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The Nakasendo along the Kiso River was often impassable due to flooding, and as a detour, the Yogawa Michi, which crosses the pass from Midono to Nojiri, was created.
Enku Buddha statues at Tougakuji Temple, stone Buddha statues at Amida-do, Osugi at Hakusan Shrine (two giant trees with a circumference of 8.2m and 6.7m), and other roads that connect places that retain the remnants of history continue to sew mountain villages and hillsides. increase.
It is a great hiking course where the stones and fallen leaves on the side of the mossy road talk about the rise and fall of the road in the silence of the surroundings.
* It takes 5 hours from Nagiso Station to Nojiri Station, so please be careful of the sunset.
(Because it is a mountain road and there is no restaurants, please pass through systematically.)