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The Nakasendo along the Kiso River was often impassable due to flooding, and as a detour, the Yogawa Michi, which crosses the pass from Midono to Nojiri, was created.
Enku Buddha statues at Tougakuji Temple, stone Buddha statues at Amida-do, Osugi (large cedar tree) at Hakusan Shrine (two giant trees with a circumference of 8.2m and 6.7m), and other roads that connect places that retain the remnants of history continue to sew mountain villages and hillsides. It is a great hiking trail surrounded by serenity.
* It takes 5 hours by walking from Nagiso Station to Nojiri Station.
*There are no restaurants on the trail; please buy food and drinks at the supermarket near JR Nagiso Station. There is also a convenience store (Seven-Eleven) near the station.